We all know how tough hiking can be, especially when it’s over a few days and on tough terrain. It requires a lot of energy and takes its toll on you physically and mentally. With all this in mind, it’s important you maintain a very healthy and well-balanced diet.
We’re sure you’ve got some big hikes for your time in Peru planned, so we want to make sure you know how to eat right to make sure your body has the full potential to get through the days of walking. Read on to find out what’s on the menu.

Plan Your Foods Well
There are a few things you need to keep in mind when planning what foods to take on your hike with you.
Foods that keep your energy up – This is a really important factor because you’ll want as much energy as possible to get you through the challenging parts of your hike and to keep you going. You should be considering proteins, carbs, and healthy fats to give you long-lasting energy, and not just a quick boost like sugary snacks give you.
Keep things cool – It’s no secret that food can go bad and fast when it’s not kept cool. Think of ways to keep your food as cold as possible so that it can last the entirety of your hike. Cool packs are a great idea.
Bring a bit more than you need – You don’t want to be carrying a load of food along the trail with you. However, you don’t want to run out of it either, as that could cause a lot of problems. Take just a little more than you think you’ll need to be on the safe side.
Stay hydrated – It’s super important to keep your body fuelled with the right foods, but don’t forget that water is the most important thing it needs. Make sure you have enough to last or plenty of bottles to stock up when you can.

Take fresh foods – Fresh fruits and veggies are great for you. Take enough with you to last and make sure they are kept cool so they don’t spoil.
Plan easy to prepare meals – The last thing you want after a long day of hiking is to be cooking up a big meal. Have food that is easy to prepare and don’t take long so that it’s not a chore at the end of the day.
Take lightweight options – Weight is a huge factor in your comfort and ability to hike at a reasonable pace. If you’re weighed down with food it will make you tired and walk slower. Pack foods that are light and easy to carry.
Pack the things you love to eat – Take food with you that you know you will enjoy. There’s no point stocking up on loads of spinach if you don’t actually like it. Eating healthy is super important, but make sure you like what you serve.

Fresh Foods
We’ve already mentioned foods that are fresh are an excellent source of nutrition during your trip. Fruits and veg are great options. They may only last the first day or two, but they’ll be a great boost of energy to start your trip with.
This is a delicious choice and one that’s got loads of protein and calories to maintain your energy over a longer period of time. It should last for days if you store it well.
Dried Foods
This hiker’s classic is a must when on your travels. Fruits are such a good source of energy and fiber and taking them in a dried form ensures that they’ll last you throughout the trek. Noodles and soup mixes are also great things to take to prepare quickly and don’t up to much space or weight.

Olive Oil
You’ll need something to cook your food in, which usually means oil. Opt for the olive variety if you can as it offers a lot more benefits than other types and can also be drizzled over salads and pasta for more flavor and calories. Find a small bottle or take some in a little baggy to keep things lightweight.
Powdered Drink Mixes
Drinking water ALL the time can get a little tiresome for some. Why not take powder ready to mix with water, or even a bit of coffee or some tea bags if that’s what you need in the morning to get you going. These all weigh barely anything so are great options.
Nutrition Bars
A lot of people love this kind of snack and it can pack a lot of nutrition into a few small bites. Be careful when buying them, though, as some are full of sugar. Try to find one with mostly natural ingredients to make it better for your body.

This ancient method of preserving meat makes it superb for carrying when you’re out in the wilderness for days. It won’t spoil and is an excellent source of protein. You can get a lot of different meats this way so it should be easy to find one you like.
Lentils and Beans
These don’t weigh too much and grow considerably when cooked. They are both an excellent source of protein and are so versatile. You can cook them all kinds of ways and mix them with virtually anything.
This is another great staple and is so easy to prepare. Almost all foods will go well with rice and it’s a great way to get the carbs you need to keep you going for all those kilometers.
Nuts and Seeds
This small snack is full of protein and is easy to carry around. Just a small handful can give you the quick boost you need and will keep you from feeling too hungry until mealtime.

Keep Things Simple and Enjoy Your Hike While Staying Healthy
With all these options you shouldn’t be hungry on your trip and you’ll be pumping your body full of goodness. Don’t think you’ll be eating fancy meals throughout your trek. Focus more on the simple to prepare and quick meals that give your body what it needs. This way you should be able to enjoy your hike to the max without worrying about going hungry or feeling too weak and fatigued. Now, go and enjoy yourself in the wild!
Written by: Liv Palmer
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