The Quechua language is the one we inherited from our Inca ancestors. It is spoken throughout Peru and if you decide to travel to our country, you will be able to know a little more about this wonderful language, which is spoken especially in departments such as Apurimac, Ayacucho, Puno, Cusco, and a few others.
The official language of Peru is Spanish, but the second most spoken language is Quechua, you will hear it in many places. You can also see it on the streets. Posters of restaurants and hotels have names in this ancestral language, in addition to this, the music of the majority of festivities celebrated, for example, in Cusco are sung in Quechua.
So that you can establish a better connection with people in Peru, we leave you with some Quechua phrases from greetings to how to flirt. You might like it so much that you suddenly want to learn this language.
Greetings and Farewells
These are some phrases so that you can greet people and you can say some basic words about your mood. We also leave you a parting phrase. You will find that many people you speak to will get a nice surprise that a visitor speaks to them in this language.
- Imaynallan = This is a general greeting in Quechua, it is used with everyone and at any time of the day, it shows interest in the other.
- ¿Imaynallan kashanki? = How are you?
- Answer: Allillanmi = I’m fine.
- ¿Sutiykita willayway? = Tell me your name / ¿Iman Sutiyki? = What is your name?
- Answer: Sutiymi … = My name is …
- Tupananchiskama = Until next time.
When you go to the stalls, markets, or artisan markets, it will help you to know these phrases and numbers in Quechua. It might even get you a bit of a discount.
- ¿Hayq´ an? = How much does it cost?
- Añay = Thank you.
- Yupaykuna = Numbers
- Huk = One
- Iskay = Two
- Kinsa = Three
- Tawa = Four
- Pisqa = Five
- Soqta = Six
- Qanchis = Seven
- Pusaq = Eight
- Esqon = Nine
- Chunka = Ten
These phrases relating to the location are very important to reach any place. Also, as an extra fact we can tell you that in places like Cusco, many of the names of the streets are in Quechua.
Here you can read more about the name of the streets and their translation.
- ¿Maypin kashani? = Where am I?
- ¿Imainatan chayayman Plaza de Armasman? = How did you get to the Plaza de Armas?
- The names of places like “Plaza de Armas” are not translated, only a Quechua suffix is added, in this case “man”.
- ¿Maymantan kanki? = Where are you from?
- Noqa kani Estados Unidos suyumanta = I am from the United States.
- Haku = Come on.
- Hamuy = Come.
Perhaps one of the most important aspects, when you come to Peru, is the food since it’s one of the gastronomic paradises of South America, so it will be to know helpful these questions.
- ¿Ima mihunacha kashan? = What is
there to eat? - ¿Ch’akipaq imachan kashan?= What do
you have to quench my thirst? - ¿Iman kashan uhanapaq? = What do you
have to drink?
Friend or Brother
One of the things that characterize Peru is the affection with which people are treated, and for that reason, we usually call our friends: “brothers”. But unlike English and Spanish where we only say sister and brother, it changes a lot in Quechua, since it depends who says to whom this word.
- Brother to Brother = Wayqey.
- Sister to sister = Ñanay.
- Brother to sister = Panay.
- Sister to brother = Turay.
When it comes to love, Quechua is one of the best languages to fall in love with. It’s not in vain that songs are sung with this traditional language talking about this beautiful feeling.
- ¿Sapallaykiraqchu kanki? = Are you single?
- Noq´ a sapallayraqmi qani = I am single.
- Munaycha kanki = You are pretty/cute.
- Munakuyki = I love you.
- Kuyakuyki = I love you.
Quechua is the third most spoken language in South America after Spanish and Portuguese. It is currently spoken in countries such as Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru (where it originated).
Now You Need to Practice
You’ve already been able to read a little about this language, now you only have to practice it and you will only be able to achieve that if you visit Peru. So pack your bags and make a space on your agenda to let yourself be surprised by all the wonders that are out there.
See you!
How do you say:
Your country is interesting in Quechua
Hello, Samantha: Suyuyki ancha chanin!
How do you say beautiful in Quechua?