Developed by the EMUFEC and artists and craftsmen of San Blas.
With a choreographic list composed of more than 60 artists and the special participation of the Inka of the Tawantinsuyo Empire and the Qoya, the Municipal Company of Celebrations of Cusco “EMUFEC” and the Association of Artistes and Artisans of the Traditional San Blas, developed the “Haywarikuy” u Offering to the Pachamama, in the square of the San Blas.
The ceremony was officiated by the Andean priests or “ALTOMISAYOQ” who offered the holy land with the k’intus of the sacred leaf of coca and the toast with the chicha, drink of the Inkas, which culminated with the Q´ochurikuy “consisting of a program of typical dances, accompanied by elements of scenography according to the nature of the ceremonial.
The ancestral ritual constitutes a communion between Andean religiosity and contemporary culture, and has been carried out for eight years in the main square of artists and artisans.
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